Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The six official languages of the world


The six official languages of the world . are: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. The first three languages are permanently working languages on the Security Council and in the General Assembly. Arabic is a working language in the General Assembly and in six of its committees; Chinese is a working language on its Economic and Social Council; Russian is a working language on its Economic and Social Council as well as in five of its committees; Spanish is a working language in the General Assembly, Security Council and four of its committees.

The United Nations Charter was written primarily in English for many reasons: to make it understandable to all who would read it, to avoid excluding any member state from taking part in negotiations or discussions about international peacekeeping operations that may take place under UN auspices, to reflect the importance of English as one of the world’s major international languages at that time (1945), and to avoid dependence on any one language for discussions among delegates from different

English is the most common language on the planet, but it is not the only one. With a little less than half of the world’s population speaking English, it is no wonder that English has become an official language of the United Nations.

There are six official languages of the world : English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. These languages have been chosen for their global use and significance in international relation.

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